
Health Queries


OoWomaniya - Karkinos - Cancer Protection
OoWomaniya - Karkinos - HPV DNA Test
OoWomaniya - Thyrocare Lab Test at the comfort of home

“ My Journey of Conquering Stage – 3 Cervical Cancer ”


I was sitting in my living room sipping my cup of hot tea when my son came in with my lab reports for Pap Smear Test. A week ago, if someone had asked me, what a “PAP SMEAR Test” or a Pap test is or what is a cervix and where is my “cervix” located in my body; I would have nodded my head in ignorance about all of it.

For almost a year, I was having irregular bleeding and spotting and then got some foul smelling vaginal discharge too. Initially, I thought that I am nearing my 50s so it must be because I must have entered Menopause. I wrongly ASSUMED. And I IGNORED it. And kept ignoring it, until one fine day I told my daughter after more than 8 months of getting severe bleeding symptom. My daughter got bit angry! She said you take of everyone at home, why can’t you keep care of yourself!? She pushed me to visit a gynecologist.

The expression on my son’s face easily conveyed me that there is something was not right and he was about to break a bad news. Yes, my Pap test which was taken at the age of 51, said that my cervix showed some cancerous growth.

My gynecologist had now advised me to go for biopsy and a physical examination from an onco-gynecologist to get a second opinion. I was also asked to get my CT scan and MRI reports done.

I and my family came to know by the end of all these investigations and diagnostic tests that I had stage -2 Cervical Cancer. Like any other human, I was shaken, I felt “why me” BUT I was not scared!

ask-a-doctorI somehow knew that if I take appropriate treatment as per my doctor’s advice and guidance and if my family is with me; there is a chance of me getting better. There was just one fear hiding beneath me! That if my cancer doesn’t get better – what will happen to my children and husband!!! I was just worried about the mental and financial turmoil they will go through along with me in my battle with cancer! But there was nothing that could discourage me or scare me at this point! It was actually a do or die situation for me!

I got operated on 24th December 2013, they called my surgery as “Wartheim’s Hysterectomy”. After my surgery, they came to know that the cancer has spread to my lymph nodes and it is actually STAGE – 3 Cervical Cancer. And now I WILL have to undergo Radiation therapy as well as Chemotherapy. Which I did.

Before my chemo session, my kids and husband were worried. What if I have to suffer from hair loss? My husband had anyways reached a state of mind, where he wasn’t being able to see me suffer anymore. I underwent 29 radiotherapy sittings and 6 chemo sessions. And you know what?! I didn’t even lose a single hair strand!!! Imagine, it just all went that smooth! So, remember if someone tells you that “chemo is a bad and a very harsh treatment and you will compulsorily lose your hair!” NO it is not so in all cases. The modern chemotherapy treatment is effective but does not have those harsh effects as compared to old one. Yes, post a chemo session, that night and then the following 1 whole day I would feel restless and nauseous and had body pain.

But then, after all this hustle, treatments, post-surgical drain, mental and emotional turmoil to not just me, but also to my family – I HAD CONQUERED CANCER! I EMERGED VICTORIOUS

On my victory over the illness Cancer, I want to give BIG CREDIT to my team of Doctors – my gynecologist, Dr. Darshna Thakker the most fun-loving and energetic lady but also a highly knowledgeable and effective doctor who always kept my spirits high. My oncophysician Dr. Bhavesh Parekh and the entire staff at HCG hospital, who had become good friends of mine by the end of the treatment and were big motivators to recovering cancer patients like me.

After all my treatment was done, I pondered on this entire episode of CANCER in my life!?

Would I have gone to the doctor if my daughter hadn’t pushed me for my irregular bleeding? Or I would I have neglected myself!

If I would have asked for help earlier, or would have gone to the doctor earlier and not waited for months, would my treatment have been simpler and I would have suffered less, physically!?

If I had got the Pap Test earlier, my cancer could have detected in an early stage!

I am 53 years old now. A Cancer Conqueror. And I would conclude my story by just saying 1 thing.

DON’T IGNORE any abnormal symptom you have!

As my Doctor keeps on recommending my daughters and her other patients – every woman should get her Pap test in every 3 years after the age of 35. There are preventive vaccines also available for cervical cancer these days. Talk to your doctor about it!

Ignorance is not always a bliss. Learn it from my example.

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