
Health Queries


OoWomaniya - Karkinos - Cancer Protection
OoWomaniya - Karkinos - HPV DNA Test
OoWomaniya - Thyrocare Lab Test at the comfort of home

January – Cervical Cancer Awareness Month! All Basics You Must Know And Its Prevention


A lot of incidences happen in our everyday lives. In some of these, we laugh and in some of them we cry. But there are some issues which literally need to be thought about. Aware about and alert about.

Have you ever thought :

Is my daughter protected against cervical cancer?

Is my sister protected against cervical cancer?

Is my friend protected against cervical cancer?

Yes, CERVICAL CANCER today is the number 1 Cancer among Indian women and yet very few are aware about it!

What is cervical cancer?

Cervical cancer is the cancer of the cervix, the opening of uterus. The cells on cervix begin to grow abnormally and sometimes if they are not treated, they can become cancerous.

What causes cervical cancer? 

Cervical cancer is caused by HUMAN PAPILLOMA VIRUS or HPV virus infection. As soon as a female becomes



sexually active, she might be at the risk of HPV infection. HPV stays for a long time in the body and if not cleared naturally may develop into cervical cancer in prime of a woman’s life.

Are there any symptoms of cervical cancer? 

Cervical cancer has usually no symptoms in its early stages and hence prevention and early detection through a Pap test and diagnosis against cervical cancer is very important. Unusual vaginal discharge, unusual prolonged bleeding irrespective of menstrual cycle can be symptoms of cervical cancer, one must immediately get themselves examined by a Gynecologist.

Can Cervical Cancer be prevented? 

All the women in the age group  of 25-30 or above must get their PAP smear test done every 3 years.
But cervical cancer is also preventable. It can be prevented by vaccination and regular screening. For currently marketed HPV vaccines,3 doses of vaccine are given over a period of 6 months in intervals of  (0,2 and 6).
Two vaccines available for HPV  – Gardasil and Cervarix. Ask your Gynecologist more about it.

What is the right age to get vaccinated? 

According to WHO, the vaccines are best to be given to girls between 9 – 26 years. You can ask about your/ your peers’ vaccination to a gynecologist or pediatrician.

If you haven’t got a vaccine yet, learn more about it and take it as it’s one of your duties towards yourself.


A safe woman, a happy woman brings,
A happy woman, a happy family

So stay fit, stay healthy.

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