While there are ailments which do require the assistance of health professionals, there are many good habits that can bring comfort during menstruation which apply to all phases of the menstrual cycle. Stress, poor diet, lack of sleep and an irregular lifestyle can easily affect well-being during menstruation.
Here are are some simple self-help hacks on emotional wellness, diet and exercise which will help you during your periods .
Get to know yourself
Your menstrual cycle has 4 phases: pre-ovulation, before your body releases an egg, ovulation, when the egg is released, pre-menstruation, as your body prepares to shed the lining of the uterus and menstruation when you bleed. Each phase brings new emotional and physical changes which, when we are in tune with them, can be easier to manage.
- Know your cycle – Take daily notes and notice the shifts happening in your body and mind. Use a printed tracking chart or a tracking app on your smartphone to keep a tab on your periods. Period Tracker App is used by a few Eco Femmes, and there are a growing number of apps.
- Know your emotions – Hormonal fluctuations throughout the menstrual cycle can drastically affect your moods. The biggest culprit is Estrogen hormone. Knowing your cycle and emotions will help you and those around you to recognize these feelings.
- Adjust the rhythm of your lifestyle to your cycle! Celebrate your ebbing and flowing body and honor the different energies during your menstrual phases. E.g. plan quiet time when menstruating and social and more intense work activities when you are in your pre-ovulation and ovulation phase.
- Some organisations even offer online courses to enable you to gain a deeper understanding of your cycle.
Doing exercise is great for keeping yourself fit and healthy in general. Your fitness program during the whole month will benefit your menstruation, as do specific exercises that you can do during your menstruation. It can also be beneficial against PMS complaints. Below are some recommended practices, if possible practice in fresh air as it increases its benefits.
- Yoga – Very beneficial although there are some poses which should be avoided during your period. We made a video showing yoga poses for menstruation.
- The Aviva Method – Aviva Steiner developed a 30 minute sequence of 18 exercises specifically for women. This exercise sequence has to be learnt with an instructor to ensure correct implementation. Visit this site for the Aviva Method in India.
- Breathing exercises – Check the in-depth version of this article (link at the end of this article)
It’s common to crave sugary and fatty food in the days before your periods :
Serotonin (the feel good hormone) dips at this time caused by a spike in Cortisol (stress hormone). However, it’s best to avoid this food as they are not good for your health.
- Recommended food: aim for a diet rich in proteins and carbohydrates (they keep blood sugar levels in check and thus reduces sugar cravings), calcium (to help soothe PMS pain), vitamin C (for energy), potassium (for your mood and to keep bowel movements regular), and most importantly iron as this stops the risk of anemia caused when blood is lost. Good sources of iron are dried beans and dark green leafy vegetables. For better iron absorption, be sure to combine with vitamin C intake.
- Recommended drinks – water will alleviate bloating and keep you well hydrated. Caffeine free herbal teas are also good for relaxation
- Best to avoid – restrict your consumption of caffeine, salt, high-fat food (impact hormonal activity) and food rich in sugar (adds to blood sugar fluctuations resulting in mood swings and tensions). That said, these things occasionally shouldn’t cause you harm, treat yourself to some good quality dark chocolate or a sweet chai for an energy boost!
- Herbs – Some herbs bring relief to cramps and discomfort during menstruation. Ayurveda teaches good self care during menstruation depending on which body type you are. Here is a document we made on local Tamil Nadu herbs for treating menstrual discomfort naturally.
Taking care of your vaginal flora
The natural vaginal flora is intended to keep you health, so it is best not to interfere with it. The presence of lactobacillus species is part of this system that nature perfectly designed for us to prevent invasion of unwanted bacteria and fungus. They maintain a slightly acidic ph value between 3.8 and 4.5 in which our vaginal immune system works best. Yet, wrong washing habits, use of antibiotics and a stressed immune system can disrupt this flora. This article explains how to test your vaginal pH at home.
- Maintain vaginal flora: Moderate vaginal discharge is natural. However, excessive, especially odor offensive discharge, burning sensation or soreness, is a possible sign for overgrowth of yeast fungus and bacterial infections. To maintain a healthy flora, wash with only clean water, no detergents, no special lotions! And avoid antibiotics as much as possible.
- Easy self-help recipe: Studies have shown coconut oil to be an effective treatment for yeast overgrowth. Try this: Put 1 cm high of unrefined organic virgin coconut oil into a clean metal tin into the fridge. Once hardened, with a clean knife cut an elongated 1 cm wide nugget and at night insert it into the vagina. Use a pad to protect your bed sheets. If you feel comfortable, do a yoga shoulder stand for a few minutes. Repeat every night for a week.
Healthy underwear and menstrual products – Synthetics and plastic restrict the free flow of air potentially promoting the growth of yeast and bacteria in your vaginal area. Your underwear, especially its stitched inlay, should be cotton. Also think about this: if you are using disposable pantyliners and menstrual pads, they are made out of plastic chemicals! Think about alternatives to make a switch that is beneficial for yourself and also for the environment.
Know more about cloth pads here.
For an in depth version of this article with more tips visit here.
This article is powered by Ecofemme.