After receiving various questions of women complaining about thyroid issues and abnormal levels, OoWomaniya decides to skim through this health issue ardently. Quite often , women come to know about their abnormal thyroid levels, very much at a later stage when they start noticing symptoms like irregular periods, abnormal weight gain or weight loss, fatigue etc.
Hence, let’s get an idea about one of the most important gland of your body – thyroid gland
Thyroid gland is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located in your neck just below the Adam’s apple region.
The thyroid produces hormones that affect the body’s metabolism.
With the increasing stress of modern life and the change in food habits from local to junk most of us are bearing the brunt. The worst effect is witnessed in the hormonal system of the body.
Thyroid is a major endocrine gland which pays the cost.
Today let’s talk about the types of thyroid disorders and how they affect smooth functioning of our body.
Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid produces excess thyroid hormone.
Causes :
Excessive intake of iodine
Graves Disease
Toxic multinodular goiter
Toxic nodule (“hot” nodule)
Medications (ingesting thyroid hormone)
Signs and Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism
Excessive sweating
Heat intolerance
Increased bowel movements
Tremor (usually a fine shake)
Feeling agitated
Rapid heart rate
Decreased concentration
Irregular and scanty menstrual flow
In older patients, irregular heart rhythms and heart failure can occur.
In its most severe form, untreated hyperthyroidism may result in “thyroid storm,” a condition involving high blood pressure, fever, and heart failure. Mental changes such as confusion and delirium may also occur. In Graves’ disease, there may be eye changes and skin changes in addition to the other findings listed above.
If the thyroid is under-active i.e. produces less hormones hypothyroidism may occur.
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (autoimmune thyroiditis)
Postpartum thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid gland after pregnancy)
Acute thyroiditis
Silent thyroiditis
Thyroid hormone resistance
Medications that affect thyroid function
Signs and Symptoms
The signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism vary widely, depending on the severity of hormone deficiency.
Some of the complaints experienced by patients with hypothyroidism include
Mental fogginess and forgetfulness
Feeling excessively cold
Dry skin
Fluid retention
Non specific aches and stiffness in muscles and joints
Excessive or prolonged menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia)
Hence, if you notice any of above signs and symptoms – DO NOT IGNORE . Consult your doctor for a thorough check-up and examination. Take care! 🙂