That one amazing night or moments of pleasure and unprotected sex that makes you repent later?
Sounds scary, isn’t it?
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) or Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are worse effects of unprotected sex. Barrier contraception method – Condoms act as a savior here.
Have you ever thought of a condom, which is not only used for protection, but it provides diagnosis for an infection too?
U.K based high school students have made an innovative condom variety named ‘S.T.E.Y.E’, which changes color if it encounters the pathogens responsible for causing sexually transmitted infections like Chlamydia or Herpes.
When students were asked in one of the press interview what made them opt for such invention they said, “We wanted to make something that makes detecting harmful STIs safer than ever before, so that people can take immediate action in the privacy of their own homes without the invasive procedures at the doctors.”
Further, they explained how this condom would work, the condom ‘S.T.E.Y.E’ contains built in molecules along with rubber, which can be attached to specific bacteria and viruses. This molecules cause the condom to change colours in low light depending up on the presence of pathogens. Although, this product is in conceptual phase the students explained that condom will turn yellow for herpes, green for Chlamydia, purple for Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) or blue for Syphilis.
The team of brilliant students behind this innovative product is: Muaz Nawaz, Chirag Shah and Daanyalali who have won the Teen Tech Award for their innovation. The team echoes, “We’ve made sure we’re able to give peace of mind to users and make sure people can be even more responsible than ever before.”
The team will be presented their award at Buckingham Palace later this year, and will be awarded £1,000 (AUD$2,000) for their invention.
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