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6 Pregnancy Myths – Busted!


Pregnancy and motherhood is an overwhelming period, especially if you are expecting for the first time!

Remember, pregnancy is a stage of life not a disease, it is to be cherished and enjoyed. Do this. Don’t do that. With all the pregnancy “advice” and “old wives’ tale” out there, it’s hard to know what to believe — or whom to believe.

But remember, every pregnancy is different, just like every woman is different.

So follow your consulting doctor’s advice rather than getting driven by myths and fads.

Let us skim through some myths revolving around pregnancy, which you may or may not have heard about, but now is the time to clear the air and bust those myths.

Myth #1 – You can double your portions

RealityThe latest advice is not to ‘eat for two’. In fact, energy needs don’t change in the first six months of pregnancy, and they increase only slightly (by around 200-300 calories each day) in the last three months. Consuming more than required details may not benefit your baby but it will definitely lead to unnecessary weight gain and related health problems.


Myth #2 – It’s not safe to exercise during pregnancy

Reality – Actually, when a pregnant woman exercises, her fetus gets a beneficial workout also.

Just be careful and exercise within your comfort level without getting dehydrated.

However, you should avoid rigorous sports or any high intensity physical activity. Exercise during pregnancy, only under the supervision and guidance of your Doctor or an Exercise Prescriptionist or a Women’s Health Counselor.


Myth #3 – False assumptions to predict the sex of the baby

For an example – Women who have severe morning sickness and develop big buttocks during pregnancy are said to be more likely to have baby girls; women who develop a big appetite and a big tummy are more likely to be carrying boys.

Reality – Except the results you get from imaging and diagnostic methods like Ultrasound and Amniocentesis, all predictions you hear about the sex of your baby are nothing but silly old wives’ tales.

Myth #4 – You must not take additional supplements during pregnancy

Reality – Fetus gets all its nutritional needs from mother’s body, so it becomes very important that mother takes a wholesome and a balanced diet. If she has some type of Vita min or Mineral deficiency, it is perfectly OK to take supplements. It will help mother for the post pregnancy period to stay healthy and fit. Remember, any kind of Vitamin, Iron or Mineral supplement should be taken under supervision and prescription of a Doctor, with the dosage determined by your doctor for you.

Myth #5 – Having sex during pregnancy might hurt the baby

Reality – You should know that seven layers of skin from the abdominal wall to the amniotic sac are present to protect the fetus. Cervix becomes hard enough to prevent anything from getting into the uterus, and it also produces mucus to keep the area clean and infection free. Having sex cannot reach, touch or harm the fetus. If your doctor has not asked you to abstain from sex, have no fear and go ahead.

If you need to understand more about sex during pregnancy, see here.

Myth #6 – A natural birth (vaginal delivery) is best

Reality It is not our subject to decide, let doctor decide what is best for you. A safe birth should be the priority. Some women experience problems giving birth naturally, or may have some complications during child birth it’s important they understand that they might need some intervention to keep their baby safe. Remember, like every coin has two sides, natural birth and C-section birth have their own benefits and drawbacks.


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